Full Circle: A Life in Rebellion — Ben Morea (PRE-ORDER)

Sale price $14.00 Regular price $17.00

This is a pre-order, books should arrive here by April 1st.

Full Circle is the story of a life in rebellion, as told by Ben Morea. From his beginnings growing up with jazz and heroin in a New York City ghetto and his turn to radical art and militant politics — which culminated in the late-‘60s push for “total revolution” vis-a-vis the notorious collectives Black Mask and Up Against the Wall Motherfucker — to the lesser-known years following his disappearance into the wilderness and the path that led eventually to animism and his adoption into a Native American spiritual tradition, this epic narrative spans the whole of Morea’s life from 1941 to the present, reflecting on his remarkable experiences of struggle and its changing contours over eighty years. Based on a series of conversations which began in 2020, it represents a monumental effort of transmission, that seeks to draw insight and inspiration from this life-long revolutionary journey and pass it on for the generations to come. What emerges is a unique form of literature blending oral history and legend in a playful philosophical dialogue, compelled by urgent and profound questions facing all of us who struggle for a better world today.

By Ben Morea and 1000 voices collective, edited by Ariel Uesseler.

220 pages

A print-PDF facsimile of the first issue of Black Mask is here.


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